00:03:33, SD, 16:9, MP4, Color, Stereo
About the Work:
Nomadism, temporal connection and new feminine longings. Of this alternative “world” that seems to open when dancing: It is about its temporary nature. The “other place”. This “world” that is known to be temporary, in which relationships with others seem to become more intense and important precisely because of its temporary nature. An instantaneous and ephemeral community: It is there, and it is then. That’s it.
A “home” that is not based on fixity and stability, but rather on fleeting moments of intense interconnectedness with others. Braidotti writes “Being nomadic, living in transition, consists in not taking any kind of identity as permanent. The possibilities that this world that is created when we dance can offer new fictions of femininity, a space that invites and encourages the stitching together of alternative histories of the feminine self. These stories are about an ecstatic “madness,” an intense yet temporary connection with others, a mode of being in which the boundaries between physical and machine, inner and outer, mind, body and spirit, and self and other are blurred to the point of no longer making sense.