Argentina / Spain
The end Neverending, 2023
00:02:00, 8K, 2,35:1, H.264, Color, Stereo
00:02:00, 8K, 2,35:1, H.264, Color, Stereo
About the Work:
This piece is an interpretation of the cycle of life and death. From love to the seed of life, to hell and paradise and back to the beginning. Originally hand drawn on a fax roll, we decided to experiment and create an animated video piece animating all the characters and giving life to the drawings. The Format of the fax roll (35 cm x 3,5 meters) was a challenge and a choice as we wanted to experiment with different video formats and the verticality represents the length of the life cycle. This piece can be projected as a column on a wall or on a building, either in a loop or static, but it can also be shown on a vertical screen.