00:05:00, HD, 16:9, MP4, Color, Stereo
About the Work:
Do we impact our surroundings?
The philosopher Suely Rolnik uses the term “vibrating bodies” to refer to the idea that we are like antennas: we perceive our context through sensations and emotions, unconsciously interwoven with our subjectivity, driving us to act reactively to the situations we face. Both individually and collectively, we are coerced to participate in mass feelings and/or actions. We behave either reactively or creatively in any situation.
In the video performance, the artist stands motionless for an extended time in the middle of a bustling pedestrian street – her gaze fixed at the camera (the viewer) – aiming to generate what she calls a state of “lucid well-being”, where an unmistakable sense of gloom is perceptible.
In line with the curatorial text, the language of video enables me to approach and question philosophically what we “experience” as reality and how we go about our lives within it. The starting point being a performance: an improvised and completely inhabited -real- action, conceptually sustains the proposal. This work is a reflection on how we influence the environment and vice versa, inviting us to reflect on our responsibility and how we can generate other energetic-emotional states, detached from consumption.